Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Things we've learned about New Zealand thus far...

1)The toilets really DO flush the opposite way (we know this thanks to a volunteer back home and the wonder of skype)
2) Ozzies and Kiwis do not like to mistaken for each other... the only way I've been able to determine the difference is when they say "6"... sooo when in doubt just ask them what 9-3 is...
3) Look both ways when crossing the street has never been such a necessity than here
4) This is the youngest country is the world (I wanna say they had their first dominion day in 1907)
5) Kiwis are ridiculously nice
6) I will never ever complain about the price of mascara again after being here.... $32 for normal drugstore mascara? ick...
7) Central Wellington is on a major fault line and has many other fault lines all around... This is the best chance I will prob ever have to experience an earthquake... Part of Wellington is actually "New" land that was under water until 300 yrs ago and a massive earthquake brought it up..
8) Just because you here it's summer over here do not assume it can't get cold... First night we arrived we were freezin!!!! Luckily Jamie, our kind host, provided us with blankets, mattresses, and a space heater! Cheers to the wonders of central heating back home..
9) To all you calorie counters... Good luck in NZ... They use Kilo-joules not calories over here... For someone from a supposed metric country I have no beginning of an idea of what a kilo-joule is....
10) There are no sharks, snakes or spiders.... Why are we going to Australia again???
11) We are already in love with NZ and we've only seen Wellington!
Luv, V

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