Wednesday, October 28, 2009

NZ Hospitality

Day 2 of crashing in my old Contiki friend's living room.... Jamie, the kind/foolish guy that he is let me drive his car on the way to the supermarket and I'm proud to say that he made it five minutes before he grabbed the suicide handles... It's amazing how unnerving it is driving on the opposite side of the road when everything you've known in the last 23 years is flipped... It's like going against nature when you drive on the left side of the road, you're always having to consciously think "Left, left, left" but strangely, the hardest part of driving on this side of the road is remembering that the blinkers and windshield wipers are reversed... Let's just say his windshield was VERY clean by the time I had parked the car. Jodie drove home and I hate to admit that she made it seem so much easier than it really is.
After dinner Jamie's 3 friends came over and we had a great night just playing games... Initially, they were intended to be drinking games but since half of us don't drink and the other half are quite light drinkers the guys did most of the drinking and taught us some new games... We played a game that is sure to become one of our favorites and one that will continue with us in our travels. Let's call it, "G'Day Jase".... Basically everyone starts out as Jase and each time you mess up you get a new name and new voice... After Jase, you become Kylie and you develop a high pitched voice. After Kylie is Bouncer, with whom you must have a deep voice.. And so on.. The last one is Squiggles, and when you're squiggles you are just allowed to kinda "motor-boat" your lips and so your head movements are very key... haha... It sounds like a mess but it was such a riot... Check out the video to show the four guys play a round...
Initially we had plans to leave Wellington tomorrow morning but we are now thinking we might leave Sunday... Two of Jamie's friends we met last night are professional sports players here in Wellington; one a rugby player, one a cricket player. All the boys swore that part of experiencing NZ is going to a cricket game and a rugby game and both guys have a game on Saturday.... How could we pass up such an opportunity to experience two of the national pastimes????
Luv, V

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